Wife likes to believe that she holds some power over the weather. Husband can't help but play along. And to his dismay, every morning, while leaving for work, it begins to rain. Thus forcing him to acknowledge that the sky—if not the entire universe—conspires against him. But then, he can't be late for office either. So he sets out with his umbrella knowing pretty well how ineffective it is in keeping one's pants dry. However, just as he's about to leave the room, Wife says something to effect of "The rain won't trouble you!" like Lady Indra would have. Husband nods and smiles at her pretending to be grateful for her divine intervention. As soon as he gets out of the building, the rain stops as if on cue. He looks back up at Wife standing near the window on the first floor. Both her eyebrows rise together, forcing his face to fall down. After all, as always, rainfall will resume once he's moved out of her sight. Something she isn't aware of.
Thanks for visiting this page but i don't write here anymore. I've moved to Medium (medium.com/shaktianspace) and i am quite regular there. Only the platform has changed. Nothing else. Thanks for your not-so-precious time :)
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Well, a sher can
Everything that i wish i was.
Unafraid of anything that faces him.
Even a herd doesn't startle him as much as NGC would prefer.
Lazes through the day sunbathing.
Never has a bad mane day.
Fornicates with half a dozen lioness and Africa knows what else!
Oh, here's the best piece: doesn't bother to hunt at all.
What are the fierce lionesses for?
Has the lion's share of meal, nevertheless.
Sleeps for more than 16 hours.
Baby-sits the cubs but for a short while.
Healthy, gale and respected by Disney's.
Unless he belongs to Sanjay Gandhi National Park.
Unafraid of anything that faces him.
Even a herd doesn't startle him as much as NGC would prefer.
Lazes through the day sunbathing.
Never has a bad mane day.
Fornicates with half a dozen lioness and Africa knows what else!
Oh, here's the best piece: doesn't bother to hunt at all.
What are the fierce lionesses for?
Has the lion's share of meal, nevertheless.
Sleeps for more than 16 hours.
Baby-sits the cubs but for a short while.
Healthy, gale and respected by Disney's.
Unless he belongs to Sanjay Gandhi National Park.
random musings,
Shakti Shetty,
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Frozen news
My amma and papa don't get along very well but they share a lot of similarities. For example, there are seriously demented characters from both ends. As if mental illness runs in the family. But one particular specimen stands out for her sheer bonhomie. Malamma. My mother's eldest sister who had a nervous breakdown at a rather young age after her husband passed away leaving her with a son to fend for. She had a not-so-colorful life but the people who took care of her had it worse. Eventually, she ended up in our house in Bombay and that's when i came in close contact with her. A gentle soul (under heavy medication), i remember her muttering words to herself. Between sleep, food, staring at TV and petty chores (and several pills, of course), there wasn't much to her existence. Oh yes, there was one thing she was very fond of: newspapers. Actually, newspaper. There was this Kannada daily that she got hold of someday when i had just entered secondary school. And she continued reading that particular edition for several months—if not years. I don't remember the exact time period of her fascination with news she can't use. But i do often reminisce how we used to jokingly ask her "Are you done with it? Or is there still some breaking news in there?" with no response whatsoever. Paying attention wasn't her forte so it didn't matter how many times she read that paper nor how many times we tried to be funny.
random musings,
Shakti Shetty,
true stories
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Walking the distance
Him: "Do you want me to kiss you? I can do that. Although i've seen it happen in movies, i haven't done it before. But there is a high probability of us getting it right. On top of that, the nocturnal beach is going to help us too. However, there is a catch here. As soon as our lips collide, the space that separates us will be filled with an intimacy that will alter everything that's between us. We'll never be the same again as expectations will roll in and make themselves at home...."
Her: "God! You think too much and talk much more. Alright, just keep walking then."
The next morning he woke up in his house with a mix of regret and relief. He was sad for being such a control freak but glad too that he didn't plunge in like others would have in his place. Whichever way one tilts the argument, both of them learned last night that a smooch can't possibly last longer than a laughter-filled conversation.
In the meantime, the dried sand were engrossed in a deep kiss with his sandals.
dramatic life,
Shakti Shetty
Monday, July 22, 2013
Calm down,
get up,
walk beside yourself,
look ahead but don't stare and hurt your eyes.
Not worth the unease, you see?
Don't talk if you don't wish to,
just make sure you aren't still
or dead
or consumed by memories.
Whatever happened shall make you strong
—if not stronger;
wait and vouch for the future.
In case possibility reckons, do destroy your own negative thoughts:
nothing more, nothing else.
Trust me, it's alright.
get up,
walk beside yourself,
look ahead but don't stare and hurt your eyes.
Not worth the unease, you see?
Don't talk if you don't wish to,
just make sure you aren't still
or dead
or consumed by memories.
Whatever happened shall make you strong
—if not stronger;
wait and vouch for the future.
In case possibility reckons, do destroy your own negative thoughts:
nothing more, nothing else.
Trust me, it's alright.
random musings,
Shakti Shetty
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Ladies and gentlemen, please board

Anand Gandhi,
indie cinema,
Shakti Shetty,
Ship of Theseus
Thursday, July 18, 2013
An act of fruition
The famished monk won't throw stone at the tree. Not because he can't but because he's willing to let the wind and time combine to do what they are supposed to. On the other end, the benevolent old tree can take a few blow. It's used to the abuse by now. However, the enlightened soul has to set an example although there's no one to document his deed. After waiting patiently in the shadow, a fruit falls down and he partially fills his stomach. Even if it took a long while, he's not furious at nature as hunger and anger aren't good for each other. Something he knows very well and something the tree loves to test.
random musings,
Shakti Shetty
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Flying sinews

Bhaag Milkha Bhaag,
Prasoon Joshi,
Shakti Shetty
Hearts, interrupted

Amit Trivedi,
Hindi cinema,
Shakti Shetty,
The Last Leaf
Friday, July 12, 2013
A modern-day loser
Every morning he wakes up feeling like shit. This is before he has tea. Later, he somehow gathers strength to look at himself in the mirror. His face reveals way too many questions and his bloodshot eyes, way too many answers. Trying to figure out what drove him to today, he continues to stare at all the possibilities. Not a thoroughbred narcissist but being a human nonetheless, the staring contest remains winnerless. At last, he asks out of curiosity what has he done to make this world a better place to live in. After a lot of permutation and subdued bitterness, he arrives at the same point with the same answer: "Hmmmmm....nothing!" At that instance, the tea's spell on his eyes goes for a toss and the modern-day loser in him promptly goes back to sleep hoping to wake up when today is over.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Life is more of a punctuation and less of a word.
Life is a brilliant joke that others fail to laugh at.
Life is all about waking up at a place where you don't have to ask yourself - "Where am i?"
Life is a brilliant joke that others fail to laugh at.
Life is all about waking up at a place where you don't have to ask yourself - "Where am i?"
Life is everything about nothing.
Life is a poor trick gone miserably funny.
Life is fair as long as you're winning.
Life is changing whether you'd like to be a part of it or not.
Life is changing whether you'd like to be a part of it or not.
Life is beautiful even if it's a lie.
Life is a long series of "Sab theek ho jayega" being told to each other.
Life is as young as ever but you are getting old.
Life is touching others without molesting them.
Life is the greatest scam of all.
Life is an attempt at ditching the highlights and going live instead.
Life is an attempt at ditching the highlights and going live instead.
Life is all about moving from one Google doodle to another.
Life is what happens when you're trying to figure out what concerns you the most.
Life is already lonely with friends. Imagine how it would have been without them.
Life is like going all the way to Paris but not visiting the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Life is an occupational hazard too.
Life is very dreamy. And then we wake up.
Life is happening to each none of us.
Life is so freaking cold that i can feel it in my sneeze.
Life is a good art but a miserable artist.
Life is like a box that effectively hides those non-existent chocolates.
Life is like a box that effectively hides those non-existent chocolates.
Life is uncomplicated. For a lizard who does nothing but meditate.
Life is chess with added colors.
Life is chess with added colors.
Life is indeed wonderful… in movies!
Life is an eternal struggle, particularly when you're unable to control your bowel movements.
Life is all about seeking those few people who'll remark "So good to see you" and mean it.
Life is wonderful provided everyone is equally unhappy.
Life is only as sorted out as others think.
Life is an attempt at dark humour.
Life is more than just waking up with a face you don't want to claim.
Life is more than just waking up with a face you don't want to claim.
Life is too long to let others decide your mistakes.
Life is miscalling, where are you?
Life is an overrated bitch and death, a momentary twitch.
Life is your greatest love story.
Life is letting your past seep into your present and destroy your future.
Life is something that usually happens to others.
Life is basically a film with horrible cinematography.
Life is like a simile.
Life is bootiful when your enemies are greeted with boos.
Life is the slowest way to death.
Life is the slowest way to death.
Life is simple but quotes about it are pretty complicated.
random memories,
Shakti Shetty,
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Unfinished verses
Once upon a rhyme, there was a poem waiting to be written. So many things happened around it but nobody came close to finishing it. Perhaps the literature was conspiring against the poets. Whatever be the excuse, the poem never got penned in its entirety. Since it couldn't fully take place, it couldn't fully die either. Immortality stayed out of question. As an aftermath, it remained hanging somewhere in the middle. For what words are worth, it still is. The world seems to be falling apart and whatnot. But it is yet to fulfill its destiny. Something doesn't feel right but who's to blame? And everybody in the room is leaving happily ever after.
Shakti Shetty
Friday, July 5, 2013
One-eyed wonder
The greatest difference between pigeons and sparrows is that i've never seen the latter fight amongst themselves for food. At least not on my window sill. I feed both of them daily. Separately. In my case, sparrows are the early birds who get the grains instead of worms (for the record, they are pakka vegetarians unlike what most of us assume) while the pigeons arrive later for the same. Given the depleting state of the little birds—along with monsoon frogs—in our city, it's heartening to see them mark their attendance without fail. And like i said earlier, they don't have petty quarrels. They are tiny and cheerful creatures. Pigeons, on the contrary, exhibit a behavior obnoxiously close to what humans call assholes. Plus, they make SHITTY enemies. And they are very delusional. Have you seen them follow an absurd ritual of turning round and round on the spot? They believe it'll create tornado or something. Idiots. Speaking of which, two pigeons got into a tussle for some reason this morning and in the brutal heat of battle, forget their border and tumbled into my kitchen. It was so intense that one of them deftly poked its beak into another's eye. At that very moment, the fight came to an end and both rushed out of the window. Only to return a few minutes later to finish their breakfast. One with two eyes and the other with just one.
bird watching,
lessons in life,
Shakti Shetty,
true story
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
I'm not the kind of person who'd feel better if an enemy trips and falls flat on his/her face. I'm not an albino angel with wings either. Just that i'm too lazy to build enemies and much lazier to check what exactly they are up to. Never really had that sort of time and energy to invest. Having said that, my engineering background—failed engineering background, actually—allows me the exclusive thrill to see what's going on in the job market. And here's the news: I experience a bit of relish at others' (read: engineering students') expense. After reading that nearly 80% of the one million Indian engineers graduating every year are not real engineers in Mint, i'm feeling better. I'm supposed to be indifferent but no. Sorry, not happening. What a relief to know that engineers in India are sub-standard and companies are fed up of rampant mediocrity! As a result, they, like me, are now prepared to be underpaid for job's sake. Whoa! Blame it on the system. When youngsters enter college as engineering
students only to bundle out as engineering students, what else can one expect? In my defense, i dropped out of college in my second year with a dismal scoresheet to boot. I could sense that i goofed up big time. But at least i didn't turn into a hapless techie. Not that i'm a Grade A journo today but there's a lot of scope along with hope. Math ensured that i'll never become a decent Electronics & Telecom engineer. I would have eventually joined the queue of wannabe engineers who never made it. Needless to espouse, it's better to be a wannabe film journalist.
PS: Since i started this post on my non-existent enemies, let me end it on an existing friend. I can't boast of too many non-virtual pals but amongst the minority group that i'm proud of, Tushar heads the list.
And the most admirable thing about him
is he has never asked me—not even once—why did i quit engineering. He
simply never bothered to know.
Indian education system,
Shakti Shetty
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
The patent of discovery
Who discovered fire? No, really. The anthropological answer would be the quintessentially sexy Stone Age Man. But what if it's inaccurate? More so, what if it's false altogether? What if it's just another myopic (if not misogynist) propaganda? And what if it was a woman who discovered fire? Because the conventional theory states that someone with testicles thought it'd be a great idea to rub flintstones and see what happens. This particular scenario drives us to believe that fire was an accident even though it wasn't one. Even the history book illustrations make sure that there are two hairy guys hanging out with flintstones dangerously close to their nuts. Besides, how do we know for sure it wasn't a chortle of hairy girls who patented the art of setting the house on fire? The fact is our society has always been a male-dominated one and for reasons abysmally biased. For instance, it's Evolution of Man as if women don't evolve. One doesn't have to be a feminist to glance into the very sexist structure of the way we look at our past—both imagined as well as real. Going back to the fire, it's hard to believe that a guy discovers fire and then asks his live-in girlfriend (since marriage wasn't in vogue then) to not only handle it but also go ahead and cook food. It's like giving away your greatest discovery to someone else just because you're an affable bum who doesn't like to patent stuff. Prometheus be damned, something must have happened then. Just that we might never visualize what exactly.
000 BC,
random musings,
Shakti Shetty,
stupid theories
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