Na, he wasn’t hitting on you. He was merely talking. He
might have found you pretty but he had no intention of taking it any farther
than admiration. On the other hand, you—blessed with a hi-tech mind—deciphered
signals which weren’t even transmitted in the first place. You turned into an
expert on anthropology to come up with corollaries of your own. Guess what? There
were no pickup lines at play. No attempt to charm you. He knows himself way too
closely to push himself into an intimate spot like that. His inadequacies won't let him anyway. He was just being his usual
self spouting mere jokes whose sole intention were to create an atmosphere of
laughter. You know, people chuckle out loud and for those few fleeting moments, forget
their shortcomings? Exactly. He doesn’t need booze to do so. He’s like this
almost all the time. Yes, he may have liked your company so he might have wanted to stay by longer. He’s a lonely creature at times, blabbering away to glory. But he doesn't desire anything in return for his verbal investment. What if he wasn’t seeking a date or a night with you? Think about it. What if
he believes in the present more than the past or the future? Furthermore, there
were no set patterns in his approach or behaviour, were there? He wasn’t
flirting with you, sweetheart. There's no explanation. Just the way he is and the way things are. He talks with others—irrespective of their
gender or age—in the very manner he spoke to you. It’s either this or there’s no
conversation whatsoever. You should catch him on his dull days. He quite
literally disappears into his chair. He might have touched your arm while
tilting his head back to laugh at his poor jokes. Believe me, he does that with
much older men in his office with whom he’s never going to sleep. Just like he
won’t with you. He doesn’t understand the world or the generation that he’s
supposed to belong to although he pretends to. He finds it excruciatingly fake at times. The blind
adoption of Western (read: American) civilization and the constant conflict
with its Indian counterpart is too stark for him to ignore. And these are the
signals that bother him deeply, not yours.
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