Sunday, February 9, 2014

Worse than what?

Q: What's worse than being sad? A: Not knowing the reason why you're sad in the first place.
Q: What's worse than being mediocre? A: Getting addicted to mediocrity.
Q: What's worse than a slobbering co-passenger? A: A co-passenger slobbering on your shoulder.
Q: What's worse than religion? A: The use of the word 'major' in front of it.
Q: What's worse than us tweeting from office? A: Lindsay Lohan tweeting outside of rehab.
Q: What's worse than having a beer belly? A: Being a teetotaler.
Q: What's worse than getting out of a crowded train at Kurla? A: Getting into a crowded train at Kurla.  
Q: What's worse than bad breath? A: Being alive.
Q: What's worse than not knowing what to do with your life? A: Knowing exactly what to do but not doing so.
Q: What's worse than finding a lift in a two-storey building? A: People actually using it.
Q: What's worse than this world coming to an end? A: You getting left behind.
Q: What's worse than pointing others' mistakes? A: Failing to notice a few of your own.
Q: What's worse than being with someone who thinks exactly like you do? A: I don't know. 
Q: What's worse than having a chapped lip? A: Chapped lips.
Q: What's worse than feeling sick? A: Being sick.
Q: What's worse than getting stranded at Dadar railway station? A: Nothing, absolutely nothing!


Anonymous said...

Q.what's worse than not having met that one special person when you should have? A.Living a life without that person even having met him/her.

Anonymous said...

What's worse then marriage .....arranged marriage in India ..such a pain