What is the first word that jumps to your mind when you imagine sunset? Gorgeous? Gloomy? Dark? What is it? Think for a bit. Whatever it is, be assured that that word says a lot about the kind of life you are leading today. A sunset, by its sheer narcissism, tends to be more attractive than a sunrise. And there's a reason behind it. What it lacks in sound—there are no birds chirping around—a sunset makes it up with astonishing visuals. Almost like a canvas that paints itself. There's no escape from its allure. On the other hand, dawn might signify an endless list of hopeful things. A new beginning perhaps. A gush of life that was cruelly tucked away under the snore in the air. A second chance, please? A sunrise has its own charm but it doesn't say anything about you; what you are as a person or the existence that envelopes you. The rheum waiting to escape your eyes or the mouth high with sulphur seldom care about sunrise. When the sun is up, you may not even show up. You may be skull deep in your pillow playing puppet to your dreams. You may miss the action. You may miss the sound. You may miss the light. A sunset is unmissable because it reflects on you while getting manifested by your presence. When you're bidding goodbye to the slow receding yellow star, the horizon acknowledges your presence. You don't even have to stand facing the sky. You can be in your office with the receding brightness on your table. You peek outside and you feel that oneness. The changing shades of sky and what you feel inside are bound to match. A sign of a day well spent or a sign of day not coming to an end. The evening guides you to your true self. It's like Tinder on a cosmical scale where nobody has to swipe nothing.
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