Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Unsound festivity

Last checked it was the festival of light—not sound or chemicals—to be so loud and smoky about. Firecrackers entered the picture because of vested commercial interest from urban merchants. There's nothing Diwali-ish about firing a bomb or launching a silly missile into the sky. Having said that, firecrackers aren't the problem. Inconsiderate assholes with firecrackers are. Yet, people will go ballistic arguing how it's just a matter of few days. It's not. The adverse effect sudden noise has on kids, elderlies, expecting mothers, stray dogs and birds is immense and it doesn't really end even after the festival does, leaving behind the papery byproducts of crackers in the neighbourhood. But who's to explain this to those who feel their Hindutva has been asked to compromise in the name of environmental pollution? For the record, none of the Hindu festivals have anything to do with technology-aided revelry. It's a mere conjugation by modernity that we tend to overlook the actual meaning behind a celebration because we're too busy exhibiting our status in the society. Ever wondered why box of sweets are being distributed by ourselves when there's actually no need for that? Te ones who'd appreciate those boxes are still waiting by the roadside. Which also brings us to the actual meaning of Diwali. The fabulous festivity surrounding it is an ode to the victory of light over darkness, right? Which is, of course, metaphorical. It could very well be the triumph of knowledge over ignorance. Or enlightenment over regression and so on and so forth. But we'll know for sure thanks to the loud noise in the background.

PS: May the light remain in your eyes and the fire, in your belly. Happy Diwali.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

**Happy Diwali***

I hope that you are well and in the best of health.
"May the beauty of Deepavali fill your home with happiness, and may the coming year bring you and all your family joy, prosperity and good health".

Take care, God bless & be well.
K :)